Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yesterday we went to the school to watch the volleyball regional tournament. Point Hope took first. When it was time to go Chalyse screamed and screamed. I know she likes to get out and is always sad to go home but this was a really bad fit. A few minutes after we got going we realized why she was so emotional.

I guess she was really tired because she fell asleep in her sled during the 5 minutes it took to walk home even with the wind blowing in her face. It was hilarious! She kept leaning over so that her arm or leg would drag and we would have to stop and out it back on. It is amazing the places kids can fall asleep.

Here is our rolly-polly baby eating her toes. (She has been trying to get them into her mouth for days but wasn't flexible enough before)

Ellora's piggie tails