Friday, October 9, 2009

The Pool's Open!

One of the reasons that Camille and I thought we could do okay up here is they have a pool that we can use on a regular basis. Well, when we got up here, we found out that the pool had been out of commission for about 6 years. They had said they were for sure going to fix it this time, though.

Well, they fixed it this last summer, but because the pump had sat unused for so long, some of the gaskets had deteriorated and we needed a new pump. In the meantime, I became one of the lifeguards for the pool for whenever it was ready to go, and I was given the job of re-certifying the other lifeguard who was planning on being the lifeguard originally.

After the pump FINALLY got here, Cathy, the other lifeguard, had to retrain the maintenance staff on how to maintain pools (she's a trained pool inspector). This was only a little chaotic. The chlorine was either too high or too low. The pH was all over the place. When we finally had everything to where we needed it, the heater decided to act up and the pool heated up to 96+ degrees. Not quite a hot tub, but way too warm for swimming. The problem this time is that we had told people we were going to open just before it happened.

So, after nearly two months of trying, we finally opened the pool for students to come in last night. Camille brought the girls. Chalyse had a blast in the pool. She doesn't get out much, and being able to play around in the water was so fun for her.

By the way, this isn't exactly an Olympic-sized pool. It's about 25 yards long and two good-sized lanes wide. The depth ranges from 3 ft. on either end and 4 ft in the middle.