Friday, January 29, 2010

Murphy wouldn't hear of it

By Wednesday afternoon Chalyse and Ellora's colds were wrapping up and they were finally starting to feel better but of course that would not do. Around 9:30pm Chalyse began screaming and we came running into her room just in time to see her vomit all over the bed. Within about an hour she had thrown up 3 or 4 times and was exactly the color of ash. When Tom stood her on her feet to clean her up her legs gave out and she collapsed to the floor. By 2 am she had thrown up on about every clean thing in the room. Luckily she began to improve at that point and we were all finally able to get some sleep. She is pretty much back to normal today and they both only have a little cough now. *knock on wood*


  1. It is always a concern when kids get sick. And cleaning up in the middle of the night is a trial. You want someone or somethingto blame, but the little one is so pathetic. I hope she is feeling better.

  2. Give her a hug and a kiss for me...and keep big ones for you and Tom!!!...and one for Ellora, of course!!
