That is nothing compared to what happened tonight, though. Tom had his Japanese class over to cook up some curry. Everything was ready so I put Chalyse in her high chair and buckled her in. There was an entire pitcher of kool-aid on the table. (I bet you can see where this is going) I thought it was far enough away from her but it looks like i was wrong. I turned around for just a second and, yep, ALL OVER THE CARPET! Not to mention one of the students backs. Oh and it was red.
This is after trying to scrub it out. Any suggestions?
Here are some bonus pictures:
Chalyse put all of her rocks down her shirt and started complaining because she couldn't get them back out.
Chalyse in her "hat"
At least they're cute, huh!! I SOOOO hear you on the carpet. The apartment we lived in when Joe was one and two had carpet. Think 18 month old + candle warmer + candle full of melted wax. sigh. It's probably too late for this suggestion, but if you pour salt on it until it no longer absorbs the moisture and then vacuum it up, the salt pulls the liquid with the dye out of the carpet. That has saved us many a time. PS, take as much of it off as you can with your hands before you vacuum it. Vacuum's aren't very fond of picking up salt. Good luck!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sooo sorry!!! You might also try to go on line to see if you can find any remedies. Adorable pictures, though!!!...the kids not the carpet!!!
ReplyDeleteDo they have Resolve at the grocery store there? That helps me sometimes. The last picture of Chalyse looks just like you Camille!
ReplyDeleteLuv ya!