Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good Morning

Tonight, Chalyse was being so cute. We put her to bed, but she kept on getting up saying she was hungry and wanted breakfast. We weren't too worried about her because she had eaten pretty well at dinner, but we eventually gave her a piece of bread and milk. As she ate, she kept telling us that she woke up and that it was morning. She even gave us her own version of "Good Morning," from "Singin' in the Rain." "Morning, morning, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you." We kept telling her that she hadn't gone to sleep yet and that it was night time. She would parrot that back to us, then go on saying how she had woken up and that she was eating breakfast. This whole thing was so cute, Camille and I couldn't help but laugh.

Chalyse eventually woke her sister. It's not so cute anymore.


  1. That is so funny! She sounds so hilarious - except the waking her sister part.

  2. How cute!!! That reminds me when Joe announced to me...when he was staying with me when Emily was born...that "the night was gone".

  3. LOL! Of course Chalyse was cute, but I especially loved your views "It's not so cute anymore." I appreciate that, as only a parent of young kids can.

  4. Hee hee! I wonder if Chalyse knew she was teasing you. She is just too smart!
