Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was reading on Cathy's blog today about how much she loves the snow and how excited Emily was about it. It is funny because I have never been a huge fan of snow. I think it is pretty but much too cold. I guess I could have a better attitude about it like Chalyse. Every time she climbs up to look out the window she excitedly yells "snow!" Yep it's still there Chalyse. It probably will be until at least May.


  1. That's so funny! Chalyse is so cute. Matt has your same opinion. He thinks it snows plenty here. He always says he would love snow if it could snow and be warm at the same time.

  2. I think Chalyse is the cutest...but...I am with you...I am really looking forward to Spring. Some of my bulbs next to the house are coming up and I am getting excited!!! Tennis starts in two weeks!!!
