Friday, October 22, 2010

I'll be home for...Halloween?

As most of you know already, Camille and the girls are back in Spanish Fork. Camille got sick and needed medical attention that she couldn't get here.

When the truck came to pick the girls up to go to the airport, Chalyse got scared. I told her that if she's scared, she can sing "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" and it will make her feel better. She sang the song to herself to the airport and most of the way on the first flight.

I told Chalyse that she needed to be a big help for her mom on the way home. She said she would. She told Camille that she wanted to sleep on the airplane, and she slept for a good part of it. That was probably the most helpful thing she could have done.


  1. Hi
    Tell Camille that I am thinking about her.I hope she is doing well. Best, Jay St. Vincent

  2. Traveling mercies for Camille and the girls!

  3. Ahhhh...the blessings of sleeping children.
