Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chalyse Logic

This afternoon I was struggling with Chalyse to get her to obey. She was finishing up in the bathroom and I was fighting with her to wipe and then to wash her hands. Finally she accomplished these difficult tasks and we came out.

I decided to tell Chalyse a couple of stories. The first about a boy and his Mom. They were walking around the side of a wall. The Mom was several steps ahead of the boy and came around the wall to see a vicious dog ready to attack. She called to the boy to stop and immediately he obeyed even though he could not see the danger. The Mom expressed just how grateful she was that her son had learned to obey without question.

The second story was of a boy who was out playing in the yard and heard his fathers voice calling him to come. He quickly came running to his father. His father had not called him. It had in fact been the spirit warning him that he was in danger playing near a poisonous snake. The boys life may have been saved by learning to quickly obey his fathers voice.

After listening to these stories Chalyse said, "There are no snakes in the bathroom! That's silly!" and began to laugh.

The other day Chalyse said, "Mom everyone loves me." I agreed. She said, "Dad loves me, Ellora loves me, Baby Owen loves me. But Mom you don't love me."
I said, "Of course I love you. I love you very much!"
"but you don't love me because you won't let me watch a show."